by James the Bruce
To acquire and maintain a steady dependable food source is very important in any survival situation. We all know you can only last 3 days without water, most preppers and survivalists are already familiar with how to filter water, most common way is to boil it. Soups are a very good method of eating food in the wild, because it takes very little food ingredients to feel full, especially if you have spices. A key barter item for any prepper is a variety of spices. Most common that you should have for bartering are : Ginger, Cinnamon, Oregano, Tumeric, Thyme, Dried Red Peppers, Rosemary.
Salt should always be number one on your list, because it is vital for preserving food.
For the survivalist who plans ahead, for making soups to help with eating bugs, you should have these spices : Ground Cumin, Basil, All-spice / Bay leaves, Paprika, Garlic Powder, Cayenne Pepper, Onion Powder, Thyme.
The three most common and safe to eat insects are : Worms ( dirt must be purged ), Crickets and Grasshoppers ( heads and legs must be removed ). Termites ( most calories of all ). These bugs are easier to eat when they are in a soup with other wild ingredients, such as leaves, weeds, spices.
In a survival situation "Foraging" for a food source is very wise, things most people don't consider eating should never be discarded, you life may depend on it.
Weeds are very good choice, because they are very abundant and can survive harsh conditions.
Most weeds can be eaten in soups as well, edible weeds are but not limited to: Nettle, Dandelion, Dock, Sheep Sorrel, Pigweed/ Amaranth, Chickweed, Lamb's Quarters, Strawberry Blight, Purslane and Plantain. Cooking/ boiling them in soups not only cleans them but burns off any contaminants.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, stockpiling spices, seeds and sprouts along with never discarding what can be used later. Malnutrition is deadly, you must always have multiple food sources growing at the same time in addition to hunting for animals, fish, plants, fruits, vegetables, you must also remind yourself of unorthodox ways of food supply. Like "Micro-farming" sprouts, bean sprouts, mushrooms take just a few days to produce, takes a lot, but will make a great filler in soups. Bean sprouts make awesome soups as well. Never forget the various nuts for soups such as : Hazelnuts, beech nuts, acorns, hickory nuts, black walnuts, pine nuts, good source of nutrients.
After the SHTF you may need to hide your food source / supply from others. If you have to grow your food in an underground shelter or hidden inside of a building. Growing food without soil is also wise. Vegetables you can grow and they regrow without soil, all you need is water are : Spring Onion, Garlic, Bok Choy, Carrots, Basil, Celery, Romaine Lettuce, Coriander. You must change out the water everyday with most of these, they require plenty of light as well. If you put a handful of pine needles in a jar or glass of water overnight, minimum of 6 hours, the glass of water will have more Vitamin C than a glass of orange juice. There are plenty of alternative sources of vitamins and minerals, nutrients in the wild, become aware of them and how to identify them correctly.
Misidentification can cost you, your life.
Some of your alternate food sources are : weeds, plants, nuts, insects / bugs / worms, wild flowers, tree barks, sprouts, mushrooms. Plants don't need soil as long as you can furnish these 5 things :
Food / Water / Light / Air / Support ( support: cotton wadding inside of cork stopper to protect stem ).
- Micro-farming, seed collection and seed storage are vital in alternate food resourcing.
To help assist with plant growth, if you don't have soil these three table scrap items should be horded.
Coffee grounds, banana peels ( skins ) and egg shells, have nitrogen that provides and assists with plant growth.
The key factor in being a prepper is having a survivalist mindset, to be willing to look and find all means of surviving. This includes putting back ( stockpiling ) anything and everything they can assist you and your family in your fight for self preservation and survival.
~ Six Words - James the Bruce
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