Tuesday, March 28, 2023


   There are pros and cons for both Countryside survival and Urban survival, people usually weigh the differences of what is important to them. The security and safety of having a community, that may help others when others are hungry or need help, protection. But the very same security and protection may become the main danger or threat. When others my seek what you have to help themselves or their crew. The new term for "Zombies" are people who will kill you for what you have, during or after a national crisis. Public drinking water is primary concern, there's plenty of it but will it be poisoned by terrorists or become unsafe to drink ?
The countryside has advantages as well, but there will be little to no help, if you need assistance of any kind. When others become the danger / threat it will be the best place to be, but when there is something critical needed like emergency medical assistance, there will not be any.
So how do you weigh the pros and cons and decide what is best for you ?

  In the Metropolitan areas, there will be more gangs and looters, rioting more risk of being attacked, so therefore your main concern in the larger populated areas is a defensive one.
No matter which one the countryside or the urban (rural) setting the first thing needed is to size up the situation see what the threat is and where is the threat / danger coming from.
Is it going to be long term or short term, is a factor. We will have to maintain shelter's cover underground or will it be safe to travel ? Then keep in mind will the crisis have the possibility of starting another crisis like a pandemic. What may be safe now may become a danger later. Planning to remain in the urban environment might be the best choice in the beginning, but later it may become the worst place to be. So you will have to always be flexible in your quest for survival.
  Fortification - for defensive tactics should be engaged for either environment.
There are Americans beginning the "Bubba Effect" already, where they intend on shacking up with big brother Bubba until everything has calmed down, and it's safe to go back home.
There are many people already planning the "Fortification" planning already, keeping the family out of harms way.
Food and Water -  Obtaining a large supply of food and water will be of upmost concern, most "preppers" this is their only concern at the moment is quick necessity items, and enough of it to supply the whole family for a long period of time.

  In cases of civil unrest, the populated areas will be more of a danger than a plus, so the countryside would be the best choice, however, we will always need the expertise of others, either medical or mechanical or other skills, you won't always be able to find in the countryside.
But when big brother wants to lockdown house on everyone or there is an attack from a foreign nation or army it will be a disadvantage. Being able to adapt quickly and remaining mobile is the key to survival in both environments, Comms is a must have, everyone having a HAM hand held radio would be wise, more than likely the cell phone towers will be jammed. Portable solar power charging devices to recharge the HAM radio batteries is also a plus.
So the idea of hunkering down for the long haul, maybe a very bad plan for your prepper /survival planning. To remain unorthodox in your planning is the best, remember everyone will be running to the hills, where there maybe plenty of traps waiting for you and your family. 
   ~ Six Words -   James the Bruce