by James the Bruce
There are seven classes for concealment and personal camouflaging in a combative environment.
*Shape / Outline *Movement *Scent
*Color / Texture *Noise
*Shine / Flash *Shadow
Shape / Outline - avoid skylining your body silhouette when ever on scouting or patrolling not just during the day, but even at night time. Even in a open field at night time, the outline of your body can be seen for a great distance, by someone who is at ground level watching, which is a normal fixed position for enemy snipers. When travel at night time be sure you travel at crawl level if traveling into unknown territory, so as to avoid becoming a easy target.
Color / Texture - avoid wearing any bright color clothing, this is why SBM wears darker shade of grey, in some cases charcoal grey is actually harder to see at night than solid black color, as the solid black outlines itself against a lighter dark background.
Shine - avoid wearing shiny watches, belt buckles, even knife blades that are shiny can give away position. In Urban combat situations muzzle blasts from guns can pin point location.
Movement - maintain a lower than usual walk, in hostile environments, crawling is safest, at a lower than "Fire Zone" level.
Noise - avoid traveling with keys jingling, metal rattling, loud talking, sneezing, etc.
Scent - avoid smells and scents like cologne, hand sanitizer, fresh shampooed hair, smoking cigarettes, the smoke will give away your close proximity, even food smells, like eating a bacon sandwich, can give away presence.
Anti-Stealth suit and blanket tactic, with laser pointer, must be in a squat position with laser pointer, start from below "Fire Zone" level gradually sweeping upwards up to the top of the "Fire Zone" level which is 6ft. Most incoming approach from someone wearing a Stealth suit will be at least crawl level. Using the reverse"Skylining" method for laser sweeping a field or street, is the best way to detect someone who might be crawling in their approach. Who is wearing a Stealth suit, or behind a Stealth blanket.
When defending a home or a building the "Fire Zone" combative tactics are still to be applied and considered into your planning. Getting above or remaining below the Fire zone is a top priority for a greater survival chances, in avoiding enemy fire.
Some of the inside planning should include "Rafter Works" which is creating a quick entrance and quick escape to and from the attic or second floor, through the use of a ladder or ladders. If no ladder is available, the 2X4's in the walls can be stripped out and nailed together to make ladders.
Getting above the Fire zone has many advantages, as well as surprise return fire position.
The use of dummy positions is also a priority, somethings to draw enemy fire away from your true position in the room or building.
The use of "Buffer zones" should also be applied, this would be a additional room between you and the entry way, that you can build a barrier of sandbags behind a wall in another room in the house, but still maintain your visual of the front door / entry way.
The use of "Loopholes" in the attic to fire down through, as not to give away your position as quick in the ceiling. Loopholes can be used as sniper positions in or outside return firing positions.

Buffer zones that are set up in other rooms and upper rooms should have extra protected and unconventional means of entrance and exit, than doors for example, all doors should always be booby trapped. Holes in the floor are preferred choice for alternative means of entrance / exit.
Firing Loopholes should be made not just for external firing positions but internal inside the buildings as well. Firing upon enemy combatants in the hallway or coming down through the roof top, which will be the enemy's most common entrance point for large buildings.
Firing loopholes can be made for roof top positions to defend from rappelling drops.
As a part of your Post Apocalyptic crew's bag of tools should be pioneering tools for engineering such supportive positions. Like hammers, sledge hammers, drills, axes, saws, pry bars, wire cutters and bolt cutters, nails and wood screws. As barriers and fortified defensive positions will call for barb wire to barricade stairways, elevators, hallways, rooftops. Sandbags can be used for protective shielding from enemy fire. Also the use of water and water buckets should be considered for cooling off gun barrels after prolong use, might mean the difference in a barrel melting or warping it's shape.
Quick response to putting out the unexpected fires, that are common in combative situations, such as Molotov cocktails, flash bangs that can ignite other ammo and combustible materials, etc.
When defending a building or a home, if it is necessary to fire from a window, no other choice, you must avoid silhouetting your body outline in the window. The use of dark colored blankets, curtains, canvas, anything to put behind you as to avoid a lighter shade being behind you will help keep your position camouflaged. Never fire close to the window, this will also reveal your position, stand back at least 4 to 5 ft. from window, so even the muzzle blast from your guns will not be seen.
It is preferred however to use "Firing Loopholes" instead of windows, all the time.
Remember when moving past windows always duck and or crawl as to avoid being seen. When looking around corners if no equipment is available use a mirror, get down as low as you can to avoid "Fire Zone". For the new modern Urban combat tactics the use of Video Snakes are now common, to peek around corners, into other rooms, through windows, to spot enemy combatants and other dangers such as booby traps.
( Video Snake Equipment )
"The future of urban warfare in the resistance movement, depends on how well the resistance can repel assaults from attack helicopters." - James the Bruce
For the attack helicopters are the Government's ultimate response to a successful resistance in the urban combat setting. Quick in and out and heavy cover to shield from attack helicopters, 30mm rounds. Being aware of long range Snipers with 50 caliber rifles, must also be taken into consideration.
~Six Words~
- President of SBM - James the Bruce