by James the Bruce
( Disclaimer : It is not required or forced upon anyone to do these timed drills, extreme caution should be used while conducting any type of exercise or drill, we do not encourage anyone to conduct these exercises, you are acting alone and except full responsibility for your own actions if you. I James the Bruce nor Southern Brotherhood Militia do not accept any responsibility this article is just for educational purposes only.)
( Disclaimer : It is not required or forced upon anyone to do these timed drills, extreme caution should be used while conducting any type of exercise or drill, we do not encourage anyone to conduct these exercises, you are acting alone and except full responsibility for your own actions if you. I James the Bruce nor Southern Brotherhood Militia do not accept any responsibility this article is just for educational purposes only.)
Form > Follows > Function, you cannot be truly prepared unless you have actually practiced the plans to be set into motion upon a crisis event.
Most crucial part of "Prepping" is to be mentally and physically prepared to face panic situations.
To have multiple backup plans in place for possible set backs at every turn.
Family Day Wednesdays are the ideal time to practice, plan and prepare, with the whole family, extended family and even multiple family households who you know and can trust, to be included as a part of your family, for safety in numbers, but for a larger group(s) there will be more time delays.
Plan out and practice different crisis scenarios. Such as Storms : Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc. Power outages for long periods of time, EMP attack, nuclear attack, foreign Army invasion, civil unrest such as riots. Determine at your location and distance from the city or where ever you may live if there is anything that could pose as a danger or might be a target for terrorists, enemy foreign nations, such as power plants, nuclear plants of facilities, military bases or production facilities, large population areas. Then determine how much time you would have to respond for each scenario. For the crisis event to reach your home or neighborhood.
Plan out and practice different crisis scenarios. Such as Storms : Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc. Power outages for long periods of time, EMP attack, nuclear attack, foreign Army invasion, civil unrest such as riots. Determine at your location and distance from the city or where ever you may live if there is anything that could pose as a danger or might be a target for terrorists, enemy foreign nations, such as power plants, nuclear plants of facilities, military bases or production facilities, large population areas. Then determine how much time you would have to respond for each scenario. For the crisis event to reach your home or neighborhood.
For each scenario there must be a set time of expectation for each crisis event to reach your area, such as ground zero for a nuclear attack, how far are you from the large population center or base, how much time would it take for the blast and gamma / beta rays to reach you and your family.
Calculate the speed / rate of travel of the identified threat(s) versus the distance it must travel to reach your area or community.
Calculate the speed / rate of travel of the identified threat(s) versus the distance it must travel to reach your area or community.
Timed test drills - figure out how much time it would take for these multiple households to come together at the designated Point of Rendezvous ( PR ). Will a secondary designated safety zone or safe house be need at a PR further out away from the city into the countryside.
Factors to be considered for each scenario are rather or not Underground shelter be needed or not.
In cases where Underground shelter will be needed are :
Nuclear attack
War ( bombings )
Biological- Chemical attacks
Cases where Underground shelter may not be needed are :
Riots - Civil unrest
Epidemics - plagues, deadly virus
Storms - flooding
Staying put, where you are at such as your home, may sometimes be the wiser thing to do for various reasons. Such as you already have underground bunker, well fortified protection around your home, well built basement will large storage with large supply of food and water. You have good water resources available, that are from a reliable source.
If you are unable to determine where or what kind of threat is coming, or what direction it is coming from, it would not be wise to step out, just yet.
Timed test drills with the family each family member must be assigned roles, make it clear to them, that if and when a life and death situation ( crisis event ) that might arise, in order for everyone to survive they must do their part. They need to know how they must react and how they are evacuate from their normal daily routine, no matter where they are at the time they are alerted.
The family or families involved must take the planning, preparing and exercise drills seriously.
In order to figure out how much time it would take for multiple families to come together at the designated PR. It must first be determined on a single family household unit. Because it depends on each family member and how long it would take them to return home, which is the first PR ( Point of Rendezvous ).
One way to figure out how much time it would take them to return home during a normal day, would be to have each family member involved in the timed test drill, to wear a wrist watch with an alarm.
Set their alarms for a specific time, synchronize their watches to all go off at the exact same time, during the day of planned drill. Have them note where their exact locations are at the time the alarm goes off, determine, how much time from that point they would have to return home. If they are not at their normal location that they usually are in their normal day to day routine, make note and take it into consideration with your calculations.
Figure out ways to make short cuts by using shorter routes, such as streets and roads that would be short cuts, and off the main streets and roads that would be jammed with traffic if such crisis events did occur. Try to determine for each family member what can be done to shorten the time it takes for them to return home safely, without rushing. During these timed drills, normal speed and taken during reaction time must be strictly applied. Even in the crisis event, rushing and speeding may cause an accident, this will not only reduce return home time, they may not be able to return home at all, if they are not cautious every step of the way. ( SO PLEASE NO RACING OR SPEEDING )
Next, order all family members to stay put once they make it home, the home being the first Point of Rendezvous (PR). If someone leaves after they returned home, then it will be assumed by the others who return home, that they never made, when they may be out looking for them, if everyone is out looking for everyone is, all has been lost. So everyone must go directly home and stay put.
If someone doesn't return home, then only after the majority make it home, then it will be decided by the head of the household, if there is to be a search / rescue attempt, if there is one, then everyone else is to remain home just in case they do arrive later.
Each and every family member must be made aware of the "Family First" mindset, and they must agree to it. That there maybe personal consequences for delays, in reaction time, in crisis events.
Example : Don't try to look for friends to save before you head home or anything like personal material items ( belongings ) you want to save that are far away from their present location, before they head home.
The additional time will take them the save their personal belongings or best friend, may be the time needed to make a successful evacuation. They must beat the clock when it comes to evacuation, it's only a matter of minutes before the streets become packed with crowds other people trying to evacuate. Plus the time wasted might prevent the family as a whole from making their overall escape / evacuation, to a secondary location or safe zone / safe house.
Also back up plans must be made in the event the main organizer / head of household is unable to return home, for the others to go ahead with their main evacuation goals. These are known as Plan B drills, when the main lead or head of household is unable to be present.
Also the main roads and highways must be counted out as a route of evacuation, they more than likely will be jammed with traffic, so all back roads and dirt roads, must be looked at and studied as an escape route to a secondary PR location.
The difference between Lone Wolves and Wolf-Pack's role(s) during the crisis event will vary as well. Since the Lone Wolf is acting alone or the family household is reacting as a single unit, evacuation to a secondary safe zone, may not be always necessary, versus the Wolf-Pack household, where other households may have it planned to come together at a PR location set as a safety zone for a much larger group of people, to be organized at. In the case of the Wolf-Pack, where you have multiple family units coming together, the time will be extended and delayed because there are more family members involved and their chances of returning home to their first PR, more than likely will be interrupted. More families involved more chances of reduced reaction time, the risks are greater when more people are involved.
There is also the factor involved what if others in the community show up who are not invited, as planned, there will be additional food needed, because they will expect you to share your food, that you have already put back just for your family, calculated to be there for a length of designated time for only your family. There will be many set backs, that must be considered, in a crisis event.
We must be willing to be adaptable but sensible about the way we need to handle a crisis event step by step, we only get one chance to survive, each mistake might cost someone their life, or might even cost everyone's lives.
Note: In the past the secondary PR location that we have used was generally a camp site at the closest State Park. Where you can set up a secure perimeter and pitch a tent or multiple tents.
- "Keep yer head high & Never drop yer guard" - James the Bruce
~Six Words~ / ~6~
Figure out ways to make short cuts by using shorter routes, such as streets and roads that would be short cuts, and off the main streets and roads that would be jammed with traffic if such crisis events did occur. Try to determine for each family member what can be done to shorten the time it takes for them to return home safely, without rushing. During these timed drills, normal speed and taken during reaction time must be strictly applied. Even in the crisis event, rushing and speeding may cause an accident, this will not only reduce return home time, they may not be able to return home at all, if they are not cautious every step of the way. ( SO PLEASE NO RACING OR SPEEDING )
Next, order all family members to stay put once they make it home, the home being the first Point of Rendezvous (PR). If someone leaves after they returned home, then it will be assumed by the others who return home, that they never made, when they may be out looking for them, if everyone is out looking for everyone is, all has been lost. So everyone must go directly home and stay put.
If someone doesn't return home, then only after the majority make it home, then it will be decided by the head of the household, if there is to be a search / rescue attempt, if there is one, then everyone else is to remain home just in case they do arrive later.
Each and every family member must be made aware of the "Family First" mindset, and they must agree to it. That there maybe personal consequences for delays, in reaction time, in crisis events.
Example : Don't try to look for friends to save before you head home or anything like personal material items ( belongings ) you want to save that are far away from their present location, before they head home.
The additional time will take them the save their personal belongings or best friend, may be the time needed to make a successful evacuation. They must beat the clock when it comes to evacuation, it's only a matter of minutes before the streets become packed with crowds other people trying to evacuate. Plus the time wasted might prevent the family as a whole from making their overall escape / evacuation, to a secondary location or safe zone / safe house.
Also back up plans must be made in the event the main organizer / head of household is unable to return home, for the others to go ahead with their main evacuation goals. These are known as Plan B drills, when the main lead or head of household is unable to be present.
Also the main roads and highways must be counted out as a route of evacuation, they more than likely will be jammed with traffic, so all back roads and dirt roads, must be looked at and studied as an escape route to a secondary PR location.
The difference between Lone Wolves and Wolf-Pack's role(s) during the crisis event will vary as well. Since the Lone Wolf is acting alone or the family household is reacting as a single unit, evacuation to a secondary safe zone, may not be always necessary, versus the Wolf-Pack household, where other households may have it planned to come together at a PR location set as a safety zone for a much larger group of people, to be organized at. In the case of the Wolf-Pack, where you have multiple family units coming together, the time will be extended and delayed because there are more family members involved and their chances of returning home to their first PR, more than likely will be interrupted. More families involved more chances of reduced reaction time, the risks are greater when more people are involved.
There is also the factor involved what if others in the community show up who are not invited, as planned, there will be additional food needed, because they will expect you to share your food, that you have already put back just for your family, calculated to be there for a length of designated time for only your family. There will be many set backs, that must be considered, in a crisis event.
We must be willing to be adaptable but sensible about the way we need to handle a crisis event step by step, we only get one chance to survive, each mistake might cost someone their life, or might even cost everyone's lives.
Note: In the past the secondary PR location that we have used was generally a camp site at the closest State Park. Where you can set up a secure perimeter and pitch a tent or multiple tents.
- "Keep yer head high & Never drop yer guard" - James the Bruce
~Six Words~ / ~6~
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